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Financial Matters

The Treatment of Inherited Assets in Divorce

The Treatment of Inherited Assets in Divorce

The beginning of every divorce is different. Just like everything in matrimonial family law and the treatment of finances in divorce. Every case is different and often depends on the individual circumstances of each case. The court will generally have considerations about the size of the inheritance, when it was received, how it has been dealt with during the marriage,…

Pension Sharing Orders – Beware the Small Print

Pension Sharing Orders – Beware the Small Print

We are proud to be supporting our clients with the best advice available when dealing with divorce.  Speaking to many new clients, we almost always discuss the issue of pension provision of each party to the divorce. We get many comments ‘oh there isn’t much in there’ or ‘a pension sharing order will sort me out’ or even worse, I’m not really that bothered…

Why is Divorce so Damn Expensive?

Why is Divorce so Damn Expensive?

Well, the system is stacked against us. All of us. It’s complicated, outdated, and inefficient, which is both time consuming and potentially very costly. No, this is not some conspiracy theory. This is just how it is: The divorce system encourages fighting. At its core, divorce is a lawsuit: X versus Y. And lawsuits are fights. Even the formal documents that frame…