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Protecting Your Assets During Divorce

Protecting Your Assets During Divorce

Divorce is a challenging process, both emotionally and financially. One of the most significant concerns for many individuals is the protection and fair division of their assets. This is a complex area, with many factors to consider, and it’s crucial to approach it with a clear understanding and the right guidance. In this blog, we will guide you through the…

Step-By-Step Guide to No-Fault Divorce in the UK

Step-By-Step Guide to No-Fault Divorce in the UK

A no-fault divorce is a legal procedure that enables a married couple to end their union without having to establish that one partner was at fault for the marriage’s dissolution. Therefore, neither spouse is required to present proof of infidelity, abandonment, or any other type of marital impropriety. Understanding the no-fault divorce procedure is important for a number of reasons.…

Guide to Divorce Mediation

Guide to Divorce Mediation

Divorce is without a doubt one of the most difficult life situations that anyone can go through. It can be difficult to navigate the nuances of marriage separation while also dealing with the emotional toll. Fortunately, divorce mediation is a viable alternative to typical adversarial court-based divorce proceedings in the United Kingdom. Divorce mediation is a confidential, voluntary, and often…

Asset Valuation During Divorce

Asset Valuation During Divorce

Accurate asset valuation plays a key role in any divorce. This phase of the process directly affects how fairly you will be treated in the financial settlement and greatly impacts how financially stable you will be after the divorce. Ultimately, to take action to safeguard your interests and work towards a fair resolution you must be aware of how assets…

Divorce & Financial Settlement FAQs

Divorce & Financial Settlement FAQs

Divorce brings forth numerous questions, especially when it comes to financial matters and settlements. In this blog post, we’ll answer some of our frequently asked questions to provide clarity and guidance during this challenging time. Read on to find answers to important questions about finances and divorce settlements. How are finances split in a divorce? The division of finances in…

A Free Guide to Divorce and Handy Checklist

A Free Guide to Divorce and Handy Checklist

Divorce is one of the most stressful and emotional events of your life. It will affect more than 50% of all married couples during their lifetime. It impacts not just on the two parties but on wider families, children and friendship groups. Whilst many younger couples look to cohabit and not marry – and that in itself causes major issues when…