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The Treatment of Inherited Assets in Divorce

The Treatment of Inherited Assets in Divorce

The beginning of every divorce is different. Just like everything in matrimonial family law and the treatment of finances in divorce. Every case is different and often depends on the individual circumstances of each case. The court will generally have considerations about the size of the inheritance, when it was received, how it has been dealt with during the marriage,…

Would you pay for a house extension on an hourly rate?

Would you pay for a house extension on an hourly rate?

Many of you will know that fair-result has developed and introduced a fixed fee divorce service for ALL aspects of family law, including the financial settlement – the area where costs tend to climb out of control. Our fees are not based on the size of the marital pot, it’s purely on our case-by-case assessment of the complexity of the…

10 Most Used Examples of Unreasonable Behaviour in Divorce

10 Most Used Examples of Unreasonable Behaviour in Divorce

Unreasonable Behaviour is one of the grounds used in divorce petitions to show marriage has irretrievably broken down, granting the court the power to dissolve a marriage. Its behaviour means you can no longer be reasonably expected to live with your spouse. Traditionally it is the ground most used, making up nearly 50% of all divorce applications and until the…

When Divorcing, Don’t Be Stupid

When Divorcing, Don’t Be Stupid

If you have decided divorce is the only way forward, don’t make stupid divorce mistakes along the way. Why the stupid things? Because going through a divorce is extremely difficult. It’s an emotional, stressful, painful and unbelievably scary time, and all those emotional changes cause people to sometimes lose the plot and become different people. Otherwise, confident, sensible people turn…

9 Things To Consider Before Divorce

9 Things To Consider Before Divorce

Your marriage seems to have turned into a disaster. The relationship isn’t working, you are arguing all the time. And it seems that there is nothing else you can do to fix your family and still be together as a couple. So now you are thinking about seperation. It could solve the problem and finally give you a happy life.…