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Author page: Chris Sweetman

How Much Does Financial Abuse Affect Divorce and What to Do. Do not Be Trapped!

How Much Does Financial Abuse Affect Divorce and What to Do. Do not Be Trapped!

The goal of any abuser is to gain power and control in a relationship. Our advice is as follows. Firstly, What is Financial Abuse in a Marriage? Financial abuse occurs in most controlling or assaultive relationships. It often involves the victim being cut off from their finances, which creates an unhealthy amount of dependency on the aggressor.  Other examples of financial…

The First Fixed Fee Divorce in England and Wales

The First Fixed Fee Divorce in England and Wales

For the first time ever in England and Wales, a fixed fee model covering the whole divorce process from start to finish is now available for separating couples. With this radical new way of funding marriage breakdown, pioneered by Leicestershire-based divorce lawyer, Fair Result, no fees are paid until the Final Order is signed off by the court. Fair Result was…

Are you Facing the Prospects of Divorce or Separation?

Are you Facing the Prospects of Divorce or Separation?

Did Your Relationship Suffer in Lockdown? Here are some things to thing about when you maybe embarking on a very emotional and stressful journey. But the more you plan at this stage the easier the journey can be. So, think about the following points and prepare for your first meeting. What caused the relationship to come to an end? What…

Fair Result consider FSG ‘What about me?’ Report

Fair Result consider FSG ‘What about me?’ Report

The Family Solutions Group (‘FSG’) report, entitled What about me? Reframing Support for Families following Parental Separation clearly realises the need for overhaul in the current matrimonial court system essentially focussing on the need to resolve issues by negotiated consent before troubling the overburdened court and tribunal system. All seems well so far what can possibly be wrong with trying to reach…

Current Trends in Divorce Finance for 2021

Current Trends in Divorce Finance for 2021

Following a major overhaul of divorce financing in 2012 where legal aid was removed from most matrimonial proceedings including divorce, courts across England and Wales have seen a year-on-year growth of litigants in person.  This attempt to reduce costs inevitably leads to the process becoming far more emotive stressful and often way more protracted than it needs. Litigants in person…

Why do divorce proceedings take so long?

Why do divorce proceedings take so long?

Divorce and ending a marriage can be an emotionally difficult time however long the marriage was Long or short your world is about to change even if it is not really what you wanted or even expected. Your initial dreams and plans are shattered, and you are just about the start a process of what physiatrists describe as being one…