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How Long Should it take to get Divorced?

How Long Should it take to get Divorced?

Well not as long as it’s taking now! We are currently involved in a case where we had a case adjourned on the 6th of September 4 hours before it was scheduled to happen – just a phone call saying the case had been removed from the list because the court couldn’t accommodate it and it still has no new hearing…

Why is Divorce so Damn Expensive?

Why is Divorce so Damn Expensive?

Well, the system is stacked against us. All of us. It’s complicated, outdated, and inefficient, which is both time consuming and potentially very costly. No, this is not some conspiracy theory. This is just how it is: The divorce system encourages fighting. At its core, divorce is a lawsuit: X versus Y. And lawsuits are fights. Even the formal documents that frame…

How Much Does Financial Abuse Affect Divorce and What to Do. Do not Be Trapped!

How Much Does Financial Abuse Affect Divorce and What to Do. Do not Be Trapped!

The goal of any abuser is to gain power and control in a relationship. Our advice is as follows. Firstly, What is Financial Abuse in a Marriage? Financial abuse occurs in most controlling or assaultive relationships. It often involves the victim being cut off from their finances, which creates an unhealthy amount of dependency on the aggressor.  Other examples of financial…

The First Fixed Fee Divorce in England and Wales

The First Fixed Fee Divorce in England and Wales

For the first time ever in England and Wales, a fixed fee model covering the whole divorce process from start to finish is now available for separating couples. With this radical new way of funding marriage breakdown, pioneered by Leicestershire-based divorce lawyer, Fair Result, no fees are paid until the Final Order is signed off by the court. Fair Result was…